
Sunday, February 20, 2011

JP is another cunning leader.

Jayaprakash Narayan is president of Lok Satta and Member of Legislative Assembly from Kukatpally. Lok Satta contested in all 249 seats in 2009 elections to reform politics and society but won only one seat. JP served as an IAS officer for 16 years and then started voluntary organization called Lok Satta. Every one respected JP as he is intellectual person and could bring some changes to society. But in reality JP is different to people expectation.

In 2009 Telangana agitation was intensified, many people sacrificed their lives for Telangana. Telangana looked like a war zone especially OU and KU. We should thank our state, central government and our police force for making Telangana as a war zone. This was the time when Democracy was put aside and implemented British raj in Telangana. Intellectual person JP (JP think himself in reality he is worse than an uneducated) didn't give any statement on democracy when police was brutal on normal people. He was supporting for united state. He didn't give any reason why we should be united other than larger state. This shows he is just like other netas but only difference he is educated than many netas. Many Telangana leaders from Lok Satta resigned from party after JP stand on statehood and on his behavior. If he was educated and intellectual person he would have understood 4.5 crore people aspiration. He is similar to other Seemandhra businessman only thinks about their benefits.
Democracy in Telangana was murdered when we merged into Andhra pradesh. The only difference is that JP woke up very late on an unfortunately blow on him, and that treatment was needed to wake him up. If he can't handle a single blow why he was silent when police was firing on students and latti charging on people. In January 2011 there was firing on students, OU looked again like war zone. He never opposed presence of police force in a University. At one point there were more police than students in OU. Telangana leaders were protesting in oppose of police force at that time JP was having fun and was on world tour. According to JP democracy was flourishing from December 2009 to February 16th 2011. All off a sudden Democracy was insulted on Feb 17th because he was attacked.

JP's statements on 17th Februaru 2011
1.I feel like why we got freedom.
2.Rowdy's are in assembly.
3.Insult to the Democracy in India.

My response to JP
Telangana people are also feeling in the same way from 1956. None of our constitutional rights were implemented and Telangana people are betrayed by Seemandhra people on sectors.
JP forgot that he is also a member of assembly and by his statement he is accepting that he is also a Rowdy. Respect peoples verdict. If people elected them they are part of democracy and don't give irresponsible statements. You should follow before you teach someone.
Any responsible and educated person will not give those statements for the incident on 17th. If he was really intended he would have given well before, when Telangana people were assaulted by police and seemandhra leaders. Every day Telangana leaders are attacked by police on 22nd TRS MLA Harish Rao was assaulted by a police when we was doing a rally. Where is democracy in AP, JP? Why you didn't give statement yesterday or when students were attacked.

If you really believe assaulting is not at all correct why were you silent when police was assaulting Telangana people. Do you think attack on you was insult to democracy or attack on Telangana people was insult to democracy. When insult to then democracy happened at a larger level why are you silent.

I observed one thing, JP thinks that he is intellectual person and loves to give lecture to every one. If you give a chance to JP he can give lecture to Manmohan Singh on economy. He thinks he is intellectual person and other people know nothing. He loves give lecture to the people but you forget you might be good at theoretician knowledge but you know nothing about real life and struggle of people.
I never trusted JP from the beginning. During the time of our Assembly election in 1999 JP released MLA candidates list who had criminal background. First looking at the headlines I was happy but when I looked into the list he just gave list from Congress Party and didn't give list from TDP. There were many MLA's from TDP who got criminal background and they were not there in the list. Looks like he got some hidden agenda. Then his actions are just like another cunning leader “Blind Babu (CBN)”. Then I knew that JP and CBN are close allies. There are many speculation's why they were close, I don't want to discuss here on that. From the beginning JP was biased. When his agenda was to change the society and politics he should not be biased. He is biased towards TDP and Seemandhra, in fact he is biased to everything.
Why did JP opposed “Telangana Vimochana Dinam” celebrations. That is a big insult to our ancestors who fought for Telangana freedom from Razakarlu. JP is just like other neta but well educated.

After attack on JP we can see change in his behavior. Still I doubt his sincerity, as he is another cunning leader. If he really changed then he came out of his imaginary and day dream world to reality.m his own caste.


  1. agree with u buddy!! though i'm from Uttarandhra, i'm not against T. But i just believe that there won't be much change though you got Telangana state.

    I wrote an article against corrupted JP in my blog.. Go through it once

  2. As a Telanganite, I don't understand why Andhra people are so concerned about out development, there is nothing that we got in the last 60 years. There couldn't be much worse than what happened.
