
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Story of Non-Cooperation Movement after 79 years.

Non-cooperation movement was crucial strategy in our freedom fight. This movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi from 1920 to 1922 to uphold the values of Indian honor and integrity. Protesters refused to buy British goods, Employees didn’t attend their duties, people were buying local cloths & products and more over British rule was stand still. The success of revolt was a total shock to the British authorities and massive encouragement to lakhs of Indians.
After Indian independence Indian’s never thought or dreamed to have same movement as we are ruling ourselves. We thought that we can take care of our own demands under our own governance. After 79years, unfortunately under Congress rule we have to have the Non-cooperation movement in India. When people identity, rights and self respect are neglected by Congress government, movements like Non-cooperation movement will rise and they have to pay for their actions.
If Gandhi was alive he would have felt ashamed at current Congress rulers and even he would have started freedom movement again. Congress definitely surpassed British Raj in all aspects. Some time I feel that are we slaves again in India this time not under British raj but under Congress rulers.
Telangana aspiration is passing from generation to generation. Our grandfather’s fought against Nizam army for our freedom, our father’s fought for our rights, now we are also fighting for the same reason (rights). We don’t want our next generation to suffer and do samething. Three generation of suffering is enough and we have to stop it at any cost. British raj last here in India for 200yrs now Congress/Andhra raj is continuing from 65yrs and should be stopped at any cost. We all Telangana people already got together and now make it bigger by participating in this current Non-cooperation protest. With this movement we should uphold the values of Telangana honor and integrity. We should refuse to pay bills, employees (even police) should pen down, launch protest everywhere, close all businesses, stop paying tax, close liquor shops, close all educational institutes, mass protest in front of congress & TDP leaders and mass satyagraha. It should look like government is not working in Telangana region we should show them we can do anything to fulfill our aspiration.
We should make Congress kneel down in front of Telangana people. This should a lesson to all our neta’s not to mess with peoples identifications. Anyhow current congress government is a big mess with all kinds of corruptions. Our movement should inspire entire nation to bring down UPA government.
I wish a big success in Non-cooperation movement.

Jai Telangana. Jai Jai Telangana

Sunil Reddy

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